Wallet Support

public static WalletManager getInstance() - returns the WalletManager singleton object.

public boolean hasSeller() - returns if user is connected to any seller type user.

public String getMyAddress() - returns user’s wallet address.

public int getMyEndpoint() - returns user’s current blockchain network endpoint value.

public boolean isGiftGot() - returns if user already has received the gift point and ether by airdrop.

public void setWalletListener(WalletListener walletListener) - set WalletListener from your wallet activity to receive various events

public static void openActivity(Context context, byte[] picture) - if you want to use the default wallet activity, calling this method will do that. @params: 1. Context: activity context, 2. byte[]: picture you walt to show in the default wallet page.

public boolean giftEther() - call this method to initialize point and ether gift process. If user is capable of getting gift, will get it.

public void setEndpoint(int endpoint) - call this method to set different blockchain network endpoint value (this is related to configuration file provided by application end initially)

public void refreshMyBalance() - call this method to refresh balance.

public void getAllOpenDrawableBlock() - call to withdraw pending balances stored in the channel.

public LiveData<Double> getTotalEarn(String myAddress, int endPoint) - observe this to get total earning live data by user

public LiveData<Double> getTotalSpent(String myAddress, int endPoint) - observe this to get total spent live data by user

public LiveData<Double> getTotalPendingEarning(String myAddress, int endPoint) - observe this to get pending earning(stored in microraiden channel) live data by seller

public Flowable<List<NetworkInfo>> getNetworkInfoByNetworkType() - observe this to get balance change, blockchain network information change.

public void createWallet(Context context, String password, WalletCreateListener listener) - This api is used to create wallet. Call this the user is totally new.

public void loadWallet(Context context, String password, WalletLoadListener listener) - This api is used to load wallet for a returning user, provided that wallet file already exists in the system.

public void importWallet(Context context, String password, Uri fileUri, WalletImportListener listener) - This api is used to import wallet, provided that user already has a wallet file of his/her own created from other source.

public interface WalletCreateListener {
    ``void onWalletCreated(String walletAddress, String publicKey)`` - called  when wallet is created.
    ``void onError(String message)`` - called when there is an error

public interface WalletLoadListener {
    ``void onWalletLoaded(String walletAddress, String publicKey)`` - called  when wallet is loaded.
    ``void onError(String message)`` - called when there is an error

public interface WalletImportListener {
    ``void onWalletImported(String walletAddress, String publicKey)`` - called  when wallet is imported.
    ``void onError(String message)`` - called when there is an error

public interface WalletListener {
    ``void onGiftResponse(boolean success, boolean isGifted, String message)`` - called at various steps in ether and point gift process.
    ``void onBalanceInfo(boolean success, String msg)`` - called when refresh balance response received
